Jake Januszanis

Software Developer



(Expo, React Native, JavaScript, NodeJS, Express, Heroku)

Flingo is a mobile app that gives movie recommendations to users based on genres they choose along with the streaming services they have access to. The idea of this project was to limit the amount of time spent scrolling on apps like Netflix or Hulu. This project is still in the process of being completed so it is not available for download at this time. For more details check out the Github repo which can be found by clicking the source code link below.

Weather app screenshotWeather app screenshot

Express Weather

(React, Tailwind CSS, Express, Heroku)

Weather app that takes 5 digit US zip code and retrieves data from OpenWeatherMap API. The app displays either the current forecast or gives the user the option for a 5 day extended forecast. The frontend was built with React and Tailwind CSS while handling the API calls with an Express server on the backend.

Weather app screenshotWeather app screenshot

Pomodoro Timer

(HTML5, SASS, JavaScript, EJS, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, Heroku)

Pomodoro timer that allows users to keep track of time spent studying using the Pomodoro technique. Users can either use the guest timer or create an account which then allows them to save data to a MongoDB database to compare results for future analytics. For security purposes, all passwords are hashed and salted using the bcrypt npm library.

Pomodoro app screenshot

About Me

Hello! I’m Jake Januszanis, a Software Developer currently located in Denver, CO.

I focus on building user-friendly web pages with an emphasis on simple & clean designs. I’m constantly looking for new ways to improve my work while also staying updated on the newest trends.

My technology of choice is React but I am also proficient in building projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Guy resting back on laptop
